21 September 2023

How My Business Failures Helped Me Grow a Successful Online Coaching Business

Before I became an online fitness coach in 2015, my professional resume looked a little something like this:


👉🏼 In high school, I started a photography business… that didn’t pan out.


👉🏼 Then I tried fashion blogging… nope, that didn’t work either.


👉🏼 Next, I went into real estate… imposter syndrome got the best of me.


👉🏼 Finally, I gave network marketing a shot… that ended in failure, too.


Yep, that’s right – I started four businesses that ultimately FAILED.


Thankfully, I learned a lot from each experience, and those lessons helped me build the multiple-six-figure online fitness coaching business that absolutely changed my life.


This is for you if you’re looking for a sign to keep pursuing your online coaching business – or to start again. Because no matter what you’ve been told, the truth is: It’s not too late, you’re not too old, and you CAN succeed.


Lesson 1: If you want to win, you’ve gotta go ALL IN.


Dipping your toes in, testing the waters, seeing how it goes? Sure – that may work in *some* situations, but not when it comes to building a business.


I learned this the hard way with my photography business. Instead of giving it my ALL, I gave about 40% effort and decided to just “see what happened”… and what happened? I failed.


This has nothing to do with talent or skill and EVERYTHING to do with mindset. If you’re serious about becoming an online coach, you HAVE TO GO ALL IN.


Lesson 2: Messy action only takes you so far.


If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’m a HUGE supporter of messy action… but eventually, you need a strategic plan to follow and to learn the most EFFECTIVE way to make your dreams come true.


Otherwise? You’re probably going to fail.


This lesson came from my fashion blogging days. I wanted to be like the other girls who were landing brand deals and monetizing their content, but I didn’t know how… and I never figured it out.


Looking back, I should have hired someone to help me rather than going the DIY route (which only left me confused, exhausted and burned out). Knowledge truly is power, and I wish I’d realized that way back when.


Lesson 3: Your imposter syndrome is a LIAR.


Hear me out: That little voice that tells you that you’re not good enough, not capable enough, not smart enough (or just not “enough” in general) is 100% LYING TO YOU.


I know, I know – it sounds convincing sometimes, and you might think it’s true. But it’s not.


My imposter syndrome definitely got the best of me when I worked in real estate (I seriously thought I couldn’t “do” sales and marketing… LOL WHAT? 😂), and that’s one of the main reasons that particular career path didn’t pan out for me.


Lesson 4: Support is ESSENTIAL to success.


This lesson could apply to ANY of my failed businesses, but I saw it play out in a major way when I went the network marketing route.


Despite the fact that my mentors believed in me, I didn’t believe in myself (again, imposter syndrome) – and I didn’t have the support I needed to overcome my limiting beliefs and take the right actions that would lead to success.


I FIRMLY believe that I was able to succeed as an online fitness coach because of the support I was surrounded by, and I’ve carried this lesson with me as an online business coach.


Even 8+ years into business, I *still* have coaches, mentors, etc. – because I know the incredible cost of NOT having them in my corner.


Lesson 5: Failure is part of the process.


Believe it or not, the vast majority of success stories include MASSIVE failures. The trick is not letting *a* failure convince you that *YOU* are a failure.


As I’ve shown you today, you can turn everything around – IF you’re willing to eat a piece of humble pie, learn from your mistakes and do better next time. And if you’re reading this, chances are you’re that type of person.


Remember: When you try new things and get out of your comfort zone (which you MUST do if you want to achieve big things), you’re not guaranteed to succeed – that’s why it’s called a risk, right?


But with each risk you take, you get smarter, more resilient and more confident. You learn you CAN pick yourself up when you fall down. And eventually? As long as you persist, you win.


Want more?


I’m sharing even more on this topic on ⚡️The Best Coach Ever Podcast!⚡️


🎙 Listen to Episode 93: My Failed Businesses (& How I Finally Stopped Failing) wherever you get your podcasts, and don’t forget to leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts – I would love to hear from you! 💜


For more tips, strategies and tactics to grow your online coaching business, follow me on Instagram @lynettemarieh and join my private FB group, Coaching With Impact!

Hey, I’m Lynette!


I’m a fitness coach turned 7-figure CEO and business coach.

With 8+ years of experience in sales, marketing, program development, and content creation, I help women take their businesses from shaky start-ups to thriving empires. Why? Because I know it can be done!

Once upon a time, I was trying everything I could to get people’s attention and sell my offers. (Well, everything short of standing naked in the town square!)

Now I’m running the 7-figure business of my dreams.

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